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There are 15 products.
Sunbeam Engines (A. Brew)
This is the story of Sunbeam, one of the two major British manufacturers of water-cooled aero engines during the First World War. Full technical details of all the engines are given. 210 x 298. 160 pages. B&w photos / drawings. 210 x 298. 160 pages (***).
Military Aircraft Insignia of the World
This is an essential basic introduction to the general history of military aircraft insignia. Country by country listing (186 countries), giving a brief history and the political reasons for each change of insignia. This invaluable reference book includes 500 illustrations. 140 pages. 210 x 297. Color illustrations (***).
Air Assault From the Sea (P. Allen)
This book takes a look at today's helicopter aviation units which operate from the new helicopter assault ships. USA, UK and Nato countries which have or are developing these amphibious capabilities are covered. 136 pages. 210x 295. Color photos (***).
Inside Amarc (J. Fugere-B. Shane)
Questo libro è il primo a prendere in esame i vari aspetti dell' AMARC (Tucson, Arizona) dove - in pieno deserto - si trovano aerei militari per un valore di oltre 18 bilioni di dollari in attesa del loro destino. Alcuni di essi voleranno di nuovo, altri serviranno a soddisfare le richieste di ricambi ed altri verrano demoliti o venduti. In questo bel...
Ilyushin IL-28 Beagle(Gordon - Kommisarov)
The Il-28 entered service with the USSR Air Force in 1950 and has often been dubbed 'The Russian Canberra'. The first prototype was powered by Rolls-Royce Nene turbojets, but production models were powered by two 5,950lb.s.t. Klimov VK-1s. The aircraft had a maximum speed of 600 mph at sea level and 515 mph at 36,000 ft. Service ceiling was 40,000 ft and...
International Directory of Military Aircraft...
Paperback: 208 pages ; Dimensions: 210x300mm
Jet Jockeys (P. Caygill)
The first RAF pilots to experience turbojet-powered aircraft were confronted with an utterly new concept of propulsion. This book describes the aeroplanes, their advantages, faults and quirks. It draws heavily upon the memories of those first RAF jet pilots - the jet jockeys. We are taken aboard the first British jets to become operational, such as the...
Dressed to Kill
DRESSED TO KILL, Attrill, Mark, Airlife, 2003,unique paint schemes applied to a wide range of military aircraft to celebrate special occasions, aircraft seen in the period 1990-2000 are included, all color photos, 112 pgs
LEND-LEASE AIRCRAFT IN WORLD WAR II, details of UK lend-lease contracts for aircraft, insight into the massive organization necessary to fly the planes to battle fronts, included are stories of the ferry pilots, the routes, aircraft involved & a complete check-list of all aircraft types supplies, serial numbers, photos, 176 pgs.
Amy Johnson: Enigma in the Sky
About the Author David Luff has specialized in World War II aviation history and is the author of "Bulldog and Mollison: The Flying Scotsman." He lives in Lytham St. Annes. Product Description: Amy Johnson, the young girl who flew solo from England to Australia in a small single-engine biplane, was admired around the world for her daring and...
Bickers, Richard, Airlife, history of the ground-attack fighter: origins, development, operations, armament, squadrons, service crews, photos, 144 pgs.
Fight for the air
Titolo Fight for the air Autore John Frayn Turner Edizione illustrata Editore Naval Institute Press, 2000 ISBN 1557502870, 9781557502872 Lunghezza 248 pagine
Luftwaffe Propaganda Postcards
Author: JAMES WILSON Publisher: AIRLIFE Year: 1996 English language Pages: 143 Hardcover
Mil M1-24 Hind Attack Helicopter